Setting up your account

Your PivoHub account is now created, but before shouting it from the rooftop, let's make sure it is properly set up. In this section, you will find several articles that will guide you when you set up your account.

Properly setting up your account before launching your products on PivoHub is crucial because we want to avoid retailers seeing an empty profile, missing inventory or the wrong prices for your products. By following these simple steps, you can avoid bad surprises when retailers first discover you on the platform. 

Our tip: You never get a second chance at making a good first impression!

1. Adding users to your account

2. Updating your account settings

3. Setting up your profile

4. Update your inventory

5. Define your product availability

6. Let's add clients!

In total, setting up your account should take between 15 min to one hour.


➡️ Next step: Adding users to your account


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