F.A.Q.s & technical troubleshooting

This article answers frequently asked questions related to the Analytics tool and offers tips and tricks when experiencing a technical problem while using the tool.

Q: I do not have access to the tool in my PivoHub account.

A: If you are a supplier and would like to have access to the tool, contact us at support@pivohub.com. The team will explain the parameters to activate the tool for you.

Q: My filter doesn't work.

A: Be sure to check if there are any other filters active that might influence your search. To remove one or more filters, simply click on the x next to each filter and click Save.

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Q: Is the data reflected in real time?

A: The data is synchronized every 24 hours, except for inventory availability which is displayed in real time.

Q: My 'Accounting' dashboard is empty.

A: The data in the Accounting dashboard will only be displayed if the Accounts Receivable module has been activated and set up in your supplier account.

Q: The tool doesn't seem to work on my device

A: Make sure you are using the tool through a supported browser, like Chrome or Firefox. Safari is not yet supported. You can also try clearing the cache in the supported browsers. 

    👉 Clearing cache in Chrome

    👉 Clearing cache in Firefox

    Q: What does it mean if a prospect does not use PivoHub "autonomously"?

    A: Prospects who do not use PivoHub autonomously are marked in purple on the Prospecting map. This means that their company has an account on the platform, but they are not the ones using or managing it. If you send a connection request, it will automatically be accepted by the system, therefore allowing you to place orders for that retailer.

    Did you know that you can place orders on behalf of a retailers who do not use PivoHub? Our helpful article explains how.

    Q: I am still having trouble using the tool and/or have suggestions for improvement. Who can help me? 

    A: Contact us at support@pivohub.com. We will be happy to assist you, and all your suggestions are greatly appreciated! 


    ⬅️ Previous article : Find prospects with the Analytics tool


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    Or write to support@pivohub.com