Find prospects with the Analytics tool

This article suggests useful strategies and research that can be used to find prospects and to open up markets on the platform.

The geographical map

The filters

The most popular searches and filters

Client colour codes on the map

The geographical map

The map allows you to quickly see the location of retailers who are using PivoHub, so you can strategically connect with them. In addition, you can view the retailers' information, such as their category (supermarket, convenience store, coffee shop, etc.), the date of their last order on PivoHub and whether the retailer is delivered by your distributor. 

Clicking on Connect in the retailer pop-up will take you directly to the connection request form in the platform.

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The filters

If you wish to refine your search, you can choose to apply filters on the map that will allow you to obtain detailed data. The filters are divided into main filters and sub-filters that come with a set of different values in a drop-down menu. To access them, simply

  • click on the four tabs (main filters) at the top of the map,
  • choose a sub-filter,
  • click in the Value field to bring up the drop-down menu.

List of filters and sub-filters available in the 'Prospecting' dashboard

Below is a complete list of the main filters and sub-filters available in the Prospecting dashboard.

Main filter Sub-filters
Prospection Permits 
Client Start Date 
Days Since Last Order 
Last Order Date 
Main filter Sub-filters
Products Products
Product Categories
Product Subcategories
Main filter Sub-filter
Other Targeting Filters Routes
Main filter Sub-filters
Audience Buyer
Corporate Group

The values within the sub-filters

To select a value from the drop-down menu of a sub-filter, click in the Value field, click on the desired value in the drop-down menu then click on Save.


👉 The Product Categories sub-filter comes with the values Beer, Cider, Coffee, Kombucha, Tea, Wine, and several others.


👉 The Category sub-filter comes with the values Supermarket, Grocery, Convenience Store, and several others.


The choices available in the sub-filters are numerous and will be updated regularly, so we invite you to explore them directly in the platform.

The most popular searches and filters to find prospect


Question Filer Sub-filter
Who are the retailers I am not yet connected with but who are regularly using PivoHub to place their orders?  Prospection

Status (select 'Prospect uses PivoHub')

Question Filter Sub-filter
Out of all retailers that I am not yet connected to, I would like to find those who are in a specific region (Montreal and Laval) and/or who belong to a certain category (all supermarkets) Prospection

Status (select 'Prospect uses PivoHub')


Region (select Montréal and Laval)
Category (select Supermarché)

Question Filter Sub-filter
Which ones of my active clients are not placing a lot of orders with me? For example, who has placed less than 5 orders in total?  Prospection

Status (select 'Client ordered fewer than 5 times')

Question Filtre Sous-filtre

Which ones of my active clients have not placed an order with me in the last 6 months, 3 months, X days? 


Status (select Client has not ordered in last 6 months / Client has not ordered in the last 3 month / X Days since last order)


Question Filtre Sous-filtre

Amongst my active clients who have not placed an order in the last 6 months, which ones are located in the Montreal region and which ones are supermarkets? 


Status (select 'Client has not ordered in last 6 months')


Region (select Montreal)

Category (select Supermarket)

The Audience filter allows you to refine your existing search by name, category and region. 

Client colour codes on the map

The prospecting map shows you both your active retailers (your customers) and those with whom you are not yet connected (prospect customers). The colour code allows you to easily see their different statuses.

Your active clients

Green This customer has ordered your products 30 days ago or less
Yellow This customer has ordered your products more than 30 days ago, but less than 90 days ago
Red This customer has ordered your products more than 90 days ago

Prospects (potential clients)

Blue This prospect uses PivoHub and has placed orders with other suppliers
Purple This prospect does not use PivoHub autonomously

This prospect uses PivoHub, but doesn't seem to be served by your distributor at this time


💡 Are you a sales director or representative? Check out our additional blog posts (in French) below for useful information: 

5 façons d’utiliser le module Analytics pour les représentant·e·s des ventes

5 façons d’utiliser le module Analytics pour les directeur·trice·s des ventes


⬅️ Previous article: Analyse your sales

➡️ Next article: F.A.Q.s & technical troubleshooting


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