How to export Pivohub data for Quickbooks?

If you use Quickbooks, here is how to export your PivoHub data in order to import it into Quickbooks.

Step 1: From the main menu, select "Export". 


Note 50-1Before your first export, you will have to adapt the PivoHub settings to those of Quickbooks.


Step 2: Go to the "settings" tab to make sure your Quickbooks information is correct. 



Step 3: Click on the dates to choose the period of your export. 

dates export


Step 4: Navigate through the retailers and products tabs to review the data that will be exported. 

Vérifier informations


Step 5: Click the "CSV" button to export your file in CSV format.



Step 6: To import the CSV files generated by Pivohub into Quickbooks, you have two options. 

  1. The "quick-and-dirty" strategy.
  2. The "clean" strategy.

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