How do I import my Pivohub data into Quickbooks?

This article presents the two possible strategies for importing your PivoHub data into your Quickbook account.

Once you have exported your PivoHub data in CSV format, you have two options for importing it into your Quickbook account. 

Quick and dirty data import

Caution 70

Warning: The "Quick and dirty" strategy does not allow you to compare your PivoHub data (customers and products) with your Quickbooks data. There is therefore a risk of creating duplicates. 


This type of import is faster to do, but will give you lower quality data. If you feel that the quality of the data in your Quickbooks account is not important to you, use this technique. 


Step 1: Open your menu by clicking on the cog wheel at the top left of your window. 

Menu quickbooks

Step 2: From the menu, select "Data Import".

menu - import donné

Step 3: Click on "Invoices", this will open the "Import Invoices" box.

Import données factures

Step 4: In the "Import invoices" box, upload the invoices.csv file that was exported from PivoHub.

Rapido CSV factures-1

Step 5: Check the boxes "Add my contacts" and "Add my products" if you invoice with PivoHub. Then click on "Next".

Ajouter contacts et produits

Step 6: Select the date format (D-M-YYYY) and click "Next".


Step 8: Verify your information then click on "start import".

Lancer import

"Clean" data import. 

This type of import will allow you to have more reliable and complete data. However, it requires more time since it must be done in 3 parts. 

Part 1: Importing customers.

Step 1: Open your menu by clicking on the cog wheel at the top left of your window. 

Menu quickbooks

Step 2: From the menu, select "Data Import".

menu - import donné

Step 3: Click on "Customers".


Step 4: Upload the clients.csv file that was exported from PivoHub and click "Next".

Client CSV

Step 5: For importing customers, the fields are already properly filled in, so click on "Next". 

Clients - mapp

Step 6: Quickbooks will show you the data that will be imported. Make sure that the data is correct and then click on "import".

retailers_glass-tip copie-1It is possible that Quickbooks tells you that the "Company" column is wrong. To fix this problem, copy the information from the "Customers" column to the fields in the "Company" column. 

Importer clients

Part 2: Importing products.

Step 1: Open your menu by clicking on the cog wheel at the top left of your window. 

Menu quickbooks

Step 2: From the menu, select " Data Import".

menu - import donné

Step 3: Click on "Products and Services".

Menu produits

Step 4: Select the Products.csv file exported from PivoHub and click Next.

Produit CSV

Step 5: For the import of products and services, the fields are already properly filled in, so click on "Next". 

Produits map

Step 6: Deactivate the buyable status by unchecking the entire "Buy" column and then click on the "Next" button to import the products. 

Note 50-1It is possible that the "QTY" column is marked in red, this will not prevent the import. 

Données produits

Part 3: Importing invoices.

Step 1: Open your menu by clicking on the cog wheel at the top left of your window. 

Menu quickbooks

Step 2: From the menu, select "Import Data".

menu - import donné

Step 3: Click on "Invoices", this will open the "Import Invoices" box.

Import données factures

Step 4: In the "Import invoices" box, upload the invoices.csv file that was exported from PivoHub. Then click on "Next".Téleverser factures propre

Step 5: Select the date format (D-M-YYYY) and click "Next".


Step 6: Verify your information then click on "start import".

Lancer import

Note 50-1
Duplicate invoices will not be created.

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